(Version 2: Metaverse)
How Could You Lead the Metaverse Today?
The world is in trouble and needs a giant leap forward.
Let's use a free CoLeaders meeting to exchange expert ideas.
Can we both improve the world more, if we talk together?
Let's share ideas on how we can both make the world even better.
Today's Big Change
Today, if your company isn't creating a radically better future your competitors are. Their advances will kill you.
During the pandemic everyone became tech-savvy. Our tech-based life, work, business and play keep expanding.
As the Metaverse is built, it will change tech's business leaders again. There will be a Winner-Take-All Metaverse.
Either accelerate more than you expect, or fall behind.
Lead the World's $94 Trillion Economy
A games-based Metaverse is a $176 billion market. But a Real World Metaverse runs on today's devices and runs the Real World's $94 Trillion economy.(1)
The #1 Priority of Corporate Boards
Coming out of the pandemic Gartner surveyed corporate boards. Their #1 priority is Digital Business Acceleration.(2)
IT Funding is Over $4 Trillion/year
Gartner surveys show that the world spends over $4 Trillion every year on IT.(3) By 2030 we will spend over $40 Trillion to become a fully digital planet.
Corporate Strategy is Driven by Technology
98% of Senior Executives believe their strategy is better when it is driven by technology, instead of economic, political or social trends, according to Accenture research.(4)
Winner-Take-All Metaverse
When you join a Metaverse most will choose the one with their family, friends, colleagues and everyone. Companies will join the Metaverse where they can sell to everybody.(5)
Why work Together?
A "change the world Metaverse" is hard to imagine. But I specialize in new ways to take giant leaps forward, and you specialize in business leadership.
Let's see if we can help each other increase what we achieve.
As an “Applied Futurist” I create new "system change" technology to build positive lives on a positive planet. The world I see is a Universally Successful planet. Within 5 to 20 years every person could control their devices, choose their goals and companies prosper by delivering interactive ESG* solutions that help Everybody Rise. New kinds of Metaverse platforms monetize billions of personal improvements every day, as they empower every person to improve their lives and the planet everywhere.
The patents to produce this Universally Successful, People-First Planet have been cited 1,759 times, with 318 patent citations from Amazon, Google, Apple, IBM, Samsung and Microsoft.
I will focus on your big picture. What is your biggest goal, obstacle, major advance or something else? You let me know and I'm all in. I'll share my best thinking.
In return, I'd love your best thinking one one of our key "system change" challenges. You'll choose our obstacle where you feel you know the most, then tell us your suggestions.
You'll finish in minutes. I'll tell you my initial thoughts, then add 1 to 3 hours on your issue and email my thinking within 1 to 3 days.
As a Real World Metaverse expert, I can give you the inside view on what's coming. A Real World Metaverse improves lives in the ways each person wants, so people will want to get its benefits all day long.
This is a Metaverse with a purpose that works on billions of today's devices, as well as VR-AR-XR*. Everybody decides their goals, is raised to the top and is also empowered to help fix our crisis-filled world.
Steps in Our CoLeaders Meeting
What we do together
We can use an online whiteboard to describe and prioritize what you'd like
Here's Your Expert
I created CoLeaders.net to find, meet and grow a network of experts who can exchange ideas on how to make today's giant leaps to become a rapidly self-improving world.
This Real World Metaverse is a new kind of "system." Everyone can use a virtual layer, on their devices, to set their goals and improve their life multiple times every day.
Dan Abelow
Creator of the Expandiverse,
the Real World Metaverse™
I am an independent creator, executive, author, speaker, consultant and entrepreneur. I hold degrees from Harvard and the Wharton School.
My previous patents were licensed by 550 companies that include Apple, Google, Samsung Electronics, Microsoft and others. My lifetime inventions have been cited 4,100 times.
I have been developing Expandiverse IP and Technology for over 10 years in anticipation of today's era of crises and Metaverse transformation. Its mission is to start a people-first planet where everyone gets rapid self-improvements that also help solve the world's biggest problems.
Expandiverse IP has been cited 1,759 times. 635 of these patent citations (1/3rd) are by 20 of tech's largest companies.
I Helped U.S. Utilities Add ESG, with a Roadmap to become ESG Energy Companies
Here's the Opening Keynote from a 2-Day ESG Conference by leading U.S. Utilities.
Electricity production is responsible for 25% of the United States' greenhouse gases. Utilities know they need to switch from producing problems to making money from solutions.
This digital roadmap shows utilities how to deliver Universal ESG Success to every person privately on their existing devices, in their hand. When utilities empower entire populations to add ESG that improves their lives, they grow into ESG solutions businesses that can drive a new ESG Solutions Economy.